Futurist Jim Carroll

Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speaker

The acceleration of AI is not just about the technology.It's about leadership. It's about business strategy. It's about strategic clarity.It's about the promise and the peril, the opportunity, and the challenge, the disruptive impact and the potential.Helping CEOs, senior executives, and association leaders align their strategic objectives to the rapid acceleration of AI within a fast-paced keynote or leadership meeting presentation is what I do! It's based on customized research specific to your industry and organization, and aligned to your unique perspective.It’s insight that matters, is relevant, and actionable!-- Futurist Jim Carroll

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What Jim provides you

Strategic Clarity

Imagine if you could accelerate your way into YOUR AI-enabled future, by clearly aligning future trends, your strategic thinking, and your internal engine of creativity.AI is moving faster than fast! A lot is going on, but what you need to be thinking about are a wide variety of strategic, leadership-oriented questions:

  • how will AI affect my industry?

  • what existential, big industry challenges might come my way that I am not aware of?

  • what impact will these new AI technologies have on my company or association?

  • what new strategic opportunities might exist?

  • what complex new challenges might the acceleration of AI present me with?

  • what skills issues are emerging that I need to start thinking about now?

  • what disruptive transformation might occur?

  • what new legal and risk issues must I plan for?

  • what is the possibility for the emergence of new competitors that are building on AI-based disruption?

  • what barriers do I have in the way that might hold me back from adapting to AI-based change in my industry?

  • what experience and skill set should I be building?

In other words – it’s not AI that matters, it’s your strategic thinking around its emergence.


The Futurist that CEOs Trust

Over a 30-year career, Jim has been booked regularly by CEOs and senior executives of major organizations worldwide, to provide an opening or closing keynote or leadership talk on highly customized topics.He has spoken to over 2 million people on 5 continents, with over 2,000 keynote presentations – experience matters!Jim’s clients include Disney, the World Bank, Mercedes Benz, the PGA, Blackrock, the Wall Street Journal, Pfizer, Microsoft, Cisco, and over 1,500 more. NASA has booked him - twice - for a talk on 'the future of space.' If NASA finds value in his customized insight, so will you!He is known worldwide for his ability to relate fast-emerging trends to leadership-focused strategic thinking. When it comes to AI, it's clear you don't need to understand the technology in-depth - you need strategic insight.

Recent AI Keynotes and Presentations

Highly customized leadership-oriented keynotes based on up-to-the-moment original research specific to your requirements

How long have you been a farmer?” asked one audience member of Jim after his keynote for a global agricultural organization.That’s a testament to the massive in-depth industry expertise that Jim Carroll carries onto the stage for his highly specific, information-rich, heavily researched industry keynotes. He has extensive expertise in multiple industries and can delight you with his background and share a list of the global clients within the industries who have arranged for his industry insight.Jim is a widely recognized industry expert – in multiple different industries! He has provided AI-specific keynotes and leadership presentations in the agriculture, banking and finance, education, insurance, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, retail, and pharmaceutical science sectors.These are a few of his recent AI-related keynote talks.

AI and leadership

KPMG Ireland, Dublin

KPMG is investing $200 million to create an AI hub in their Dublin office. The organization engaged Jim Carroll for its 2024 leadership meeting, seeking his insight on the longer-term, disruptive opportunities unfolding with this fastmoving technology. He spoke to over 1,100 professional staff on the impact of the AI Megatrends, and our accelerating future.


BNSF Railway, Fort Worth, Texas

A Warren Buffet company! They brought Jim in for a talk to their annual key customer conference - in the room were representatives of most major retailers, as well as logistics companies like FedEx and UPS. Jim took a look at next-generation and its impact on the supply chain, including AI trends involving last-mile delivery technology, warehouse robotics, AI-based drone delivery and. more.

AI and leadership

HP / Intel Video Production, San Jose, CA

These iconic hi-tech companies arranged for Jim to come in and moderate and lead a panel discussion with senior executives, that took a look at the future impact of AI on the workforce, organizations and knowledge.


East Penn Manufacturing
Lehigh, Pennsylvania

A detailed voyage into the opportunity and challenge for AI in manufacturing, including trends with cobots/robotics, machine vision for product quality inspection, accelerated manufacturing methodologies, new digital twin design technologies, and more.


Western Growers Association
Lihue, Hawaii

This association represents the massive agricultural producers in California, Nevada and Arizona. Jim's keynote took them into the current and future impact of AI in their industry on both a near and long-term basis - one that involves a world of virtualized 24-hour farms, weed-zapping robots, AI-accelerated plant genomics, AI-enabled disease identification and much more.


Icon PLC
Dublin, Ireland

This global pharmaceutical powerhouse manages massive drug trials worldwide - for example, leading the global 64,000-patient Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial. They engaged Jim for a CEO-level event to challenge the organization to identify the strategic opportunity of becoming fully AI-enabled - and how they might disrupt its business model before it is disrupted.

ai and venture capital opportunities

YPO Gold
Houston, Texas

What do you get when you get a room full of CEOs eager to understand the potential investment and venture capital opportunities emerging in the many different aspects of the global AI industry? You get a highly interactive, engaging, and experiential keynote from Jim!

ai in the livestock and cattle industries

CattleCon 2024
Orlando, Florida

More than 3,000 cattle ranchers and supplier companies within this industry went on an exhilarating voyage into what happens as AI becomes a powerful new opportunity for herd management and more.


Verisk Insurance Fraud Conference
Houston, Texas

The insurance industry has long adapted to AI as a powerful analytical tool, particularly with fraud detection. Jim took them into the future of insurance fraud, challenging them to think about the new insurance risk issues that emerge with 'the end of reality.'


Distribution Contractors Association,
Kona, Hawaii

The future of construction is all about new methodologies, advanced robotics, digital twin technologies, accelerated knowledge skills, and more. Jim took the members of this association into a future that involves the acceleration of everything, the adaptation to new methodologies, and the acceleration of all skills.


Kiewit Corporation, Toronto

Massive infrastructure - roads, damns, bridges, energy utility, and more - involves big bets and big thinking. Jim took the senior leadership of this global infrastructure powerhouse into a powerful view of its new, dynamic AI-enabled future, by helping them to understand the big bets that would be necessary to fully take advantage of the AI opportunity.


Global Cold Chain Alliance
Palm Springs,

Food and medical supply distribution demands reliability, detailed logistics, and challenging quality requirements. AI enables new ways of thinking, working, and acting - and Jim took them on a voyage into how all aspects of their future will change with the arrival of AI.


Zurich Insurance Global Risk Management Summit
Lucerne, Switzerland

Several hundred corporate risk managers from the world's largest organizations were taken on a tour of the vast number of new emerging AI risks that will challenge everything we know about risk management. AI provides for both promise and peril - and in this highly customized keynote, Jim Carroll guided them on this new and complex voyage.


Enterprise Bank, Virtual

Enterprise Bank, based in the Western US, has been running its virtual Enterprise University for 20 years! To kick off its 2023 series, it brought in Jim for a keynote that looked at the impact and opportunity of AI in a vast number of different industries, from retail to manufacturing, insurance, and finance, to healthcare and architecture.


Boston, MA

The M200 is an invitation-only group for senior risk and legal managers of Fortune 500 organizations and insurance organizations. Jim provided a detailed overview of both the short and long-term disruptive impact of AI on their organizations and industries and a concise overview of the challenge of accelerating risk issues.


Agdays 2024,
Brandon, Manitoba

Canada's largest indoor farm and agricultural show sees 5,000 farmers descending on a massive event that features a staggering number of farm equipment and other displays. Jim's keynote on AI in farming - held in, where else. a hockey rink! -- took a look at what happens as accelerating knowledge, smart connectivity, and faster science driven by AI come to the sector.


Corcentric Symposium
Orlando, Florida

The world of trucking and supply chain management is heavily influenced by accelerating technology, and this company which provides fleet management software to major organizations knows that AI will cause that change to happen even faster. Jim took a deep dive into the impact of AI on retail, supply chain, warehousing, manufacturing, trucking, and all the side industries which are bound up in this fast-moving industry.

AI IN insurance

Brokers & Reinsurance Markets AssociationOrlando, Florida

The insurance industry is already tightly linked to AI - it's used for risk management, market analysis, and predictive analytics. Yet the big change occurring in the industry is a shift to real-time underwriting based on real-time risk analysis - think about connected cars which provide discrete information on driver activity, or healthcare bioconnectivity which provides real-time insight into healthcare risk. Jim took the CEOs of the top reinsurance and insurance companies in North America on a tour of what happens as AI comes to accelerate this fundamental disruption.


Artificial Intelligence for Leadership Teams

Strategic clarity on the disruptive, transformative challenges and opportunities that matter.

  • Customized to your industry issues

  • Developed through extensive, up to the minute research

  • Backed by actionable strategies and ideas


AI Megatrends

How AI is redefining your industry, profession, company, and career - and what you need to do about it!

  • Strategic clarity on industry-specific AI issues

  • The disruptive impact of large language models like ChatGPT

  • Beyond that - a detailed overview into the AI megatrends - machine vision, neural networks, the acceleration of robotics, and more - and what it means for your industry and your future.

strategic clarity

The insight you need right now

AI is evolving so fast, it's critical that you cut through the hype, filter the noise, and get a clear and up-to-the-moment strategic overview of what is happening in real-time with the many different aspects of AI and its impact on your future.What you need is clear insight as to how your career, profession, industry, company, or association will change both as a result of fast-moving generative AI technologies.Jim will deliver to you a highly customized keynote, which is prepared specifically for your company, industry, or association based on up-to-the-minute research.He will help you identify:

  • the AI Megatrends that are already underway, and those that are yet to come

  • the disruptive and transformative context of these trends on your industry, profession or association, based on up-to-the-minute detailed research specific to your requirements

  • why the ‘era of acceleration’ with AI will now challenge all your assumptions about your future

  • the strategic opportunities that exist with AI within your industry and organization, on a near, medium, and long-term basis

  • the significant challenges and risks that exist for the same time frame

  • what leading innovators and competitors are doing to align with these fast-moving trends

  • what actionable steps you can pursue so you can prepare a concise strategic plan for your organization and team

  • the challenges and opportunities behind these trends within your industry and organization

  • the disruptive impact on your business and operations or upon your industry or association members

  • the strategies you should be thinking about to align with the new realities they present

  • the key strategic action plans designed to get your team moving forward, balanced with a realistic assessment of the timing of specific trends and how they will unfold

Global recognition

Booking Jim

Whether you are dealing with Jim directly or through one of his many global agents, you can rest assured that you are dealing with someone who has risen to the top of the global speaking industry - and has the deep credibility that comes with this well-earned recognition.The same agents who book some of the biggest names in the global speaking industry also regularly bring Futurist Jim Carroll into their clients, knowing that he delivers the unique insight that their world-class clients require. He is represented by the same agencies that book global icons such as Barack and Michelle Obama, George W. Bush, Ervin “Magic” Johnson, Ryan Reynolds & Tom Brady, Richard Branson, Tina Fey and Shaquille O'Neal.Global icons such as the Washington Speakers Bureau, Harry Walker Agency, APB Speakers. Leading Authorities, London Speakers Bureau and Keppler Speakers, among many others, trust him with his insight.You can work with Jim directly or through one of his agents.


Arrange An Exploratory Call with Jim!

Are you wondering if Jim can help?Arrange for an exploratory Zoom / Teams / Webex with him. He'll listen to what you are trying to accomplish - and will share with you how he can help.You will come away, as hundreds of organizations worldwide have, with the realization that he is the right guy to give you the insight you need.NASA called Jim when they were intrigued - and booked him within an hour.Reach out to Jim below, or arrange connection through the speaker bureau that sent you to this site.



Reach out to Jim now.

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Jim will get back to you as soon as he can!